acentauri digital


SAP: The Utilities Industry’s Key to Operational Success

The utilities industry faces a dynamic landscape characterized by stringent regulations, shifting customer demands, and the urgent need for sustainability.
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Transforming Upstream Energy Operations: SAP Solutions for Efficiency and Growth

Efficient SAP solutions can help your organization grow and thrive. Transforming your upstream energy operations with SAP digital is one of our specialized services. Read on to learn more about how acentuari digital can help scale your SAP solutions for efficiency and growth.  Transform Your Organization    SAP solutions can completely transform the upstream energy operations of your company. Through SAP solutions, you can streamline data and unify digital processes. SAP content management systems allow you to optimize and digitalize processes. This can lower your costs and improve the customer experience. SAP can also allow for advanced data migration, improving the speed and efficiency of your organization.    Consulting Services             Part of efficient SAP solutions can be done with our consulting services. Our consulting services include advisory and implementation processes. We can advise on developing a roadmap and what services or operates...
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Navigating the Digital Frontier: A Guide to Successful Digital Transformation

The digital frontier has evolved a lot due to the growth of technology and expansion of the digital world. Keeping up with this growth and successfully navigating the digital frontier can feel overwhelming. Here at acentuari digital, we stay up to date on the latest trends and ever-evolving digital landscape so you don’t have to! Read on for a guide to successful digital transformation. What Is It?            Digital transformation is the strategic integration of digital technologies into all aspects of business operations. In a world that has become increasingly digital, digital transformation is more important now than perhaps ever before if you want your organization to thrive. This integration can include digital business processes, customer engagement on digital platforms, and even getting your employees to buy-in to the digital frontier.   Why Is It Important?         Digital transformation can help maximize your...
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Maximizing ROI with Cloud Migration: Tips for B2B Enterprises

Maximizing ROI with Cloud Migration: Tips for B2B Enterprises      Organizations everywhere look to maximize their ROI in any way possible. After all, ROI gives you the best representation of the actual profit you’ve earned. A great way to maximize ROI is with cloud implementation! Read on for tips for B2B enterprises to maximize ROI with cloud migration. Cloud Migration           Before learning how to maximize ROI with cloud migration, it is first important to gain a solid understanding of cloud migration and what that means to B2B businesses. Cloud migration involves moving different parts of your IT infrastructure to cloud-based services. This can include servers, databases, applications, and data. Since so many of these elements are essential to B2B businesses, optimizing the workings of these elements has a heavy impact on ROI. If your business already uses the cloud, maximizing ROI...
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AI and Marketing: How Artificial Intelligence is Revolutionizing Digital Marketing Strategies

As artificial intelligence continues to be brought into all kinds of business conversations, you may be wondering how artificial intelligence will impact digital marketing. The impact of artificial intelligence on digital marketing is immense. In fact, it is opening the world of how digital marketing works and can be used. Read more to learn about it! Understand Your Customers          One impact of artificial intelligence on digital marketing is the way it empowers businesses to better understand their customers. Artificial intelligence has the ability to create and read complex algorithms that help digital marketing strategies run based on data. By analyzing the data found in social media, website analytics, and customer feedback, artificial intelligence is able to understand consumer behavior to figure out best practices for reaching customers and selling products.  Add a Person to Your Team        Another impact artificial intelligence...
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Tailored Cloud Solutions: Addressing Unique Challenges in B2B Industries

Business to business (B2B) industries face unique challenges that can be fixed or lessened with the use of tailored cloud solutions. Acentuari digital provides for all your end-to-end cloud, mobile, and SAP digital adoption needs. Read more to learn about how our services can be the solutions to your B2B challenges. Reducing Costs Running a successful B2B business can have a lot of expensive costs behind it. B2B industries can reduce costs and save money on things like hardware and software. Since these services are all cloud-based and online, you can easily adjust the amount of cloud space that is needed instead of wasting money on physical products that sit there unused. If you are in need of less space, you can adjust your product according to business needs. Increasing Sales Cloud services are also beneficial for B2B industries because...
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How Our Culture Impacts Our Clients

At acentuari digital, we pride ourselves on having an excellent culture that positively impacts our clients. We are more than just the service provider for all your end-to-end cloud, mobile, and SAP digital adoption needs. We believe the culture we uphold and the way we treat our clients truly makes a difference in client support. Culture is important. Read on to learn more!  Core Values        At the heart of our culture is our core values. We are focused on integrity, fun, a shared vision, empowerment, and learning. We do the right thing and have fun while doing it! Additionally, we empower our employees to learn every day and work together on shared visions. With our culture, we attract, educate, and retain top resources in order to best support our clients.   Flexibility        Another great part about our culture is our flexibility....
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The Evolving Landscape of Cybersecurity Threats: What Businesses Need to Know

As technology advances, so do the threats to technology. The landscape of cybersecurity threats are ever-evolving. Read on to learn more about different types of cybersecurity threats and what your organization should be doing to prevent them. Malware Attacks Malware attacks (malicious software) are a very common type of cybersecurity threat. Malicious software is inclusive to threats like viruses, worms, spyware, trojans, and ransomware. This kind of attack gets into a system, collects sensitive information, manipulates access to certain networks, and can delete data or shut down your system entirely. Malware attacks are usually deployed through link clicks from an unsafe website or email. Social Engineering Attacks Social engineering attacks are a type of cybersecurity threat that help the malware attack function. In social engineering attacks, the user provides sensitive information or installs the malware unknowingly on their device. In...
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The Future of Cloud Technology: Trends and Innovations

The cloud has changed and advanced a lot over time. The future of cloud technology is sure to advance even more. Check out some possible trends and innovations coming to the cloud in the future. Multi-Cloud A big possibility in the future of cloud technology is that multi-cloud systems will become the standard. Businesses and organizations will use both public and private clouds to meet their specific needs– not just one cloud for everything. Hybrid Cloud While we predict the multi-cloud will be a thing of the future, the hybrid cloud is not likely to go away anytime soon. The hybrid cloud will evolve as part of the future of cloud technology. As more businesses realize the importance of having their information on the cloud, the use of hybrid clouds will become more frequent.  AI AI, or artificial intelligence, has...
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How has the cloud changed over time?

Since its inception, the cloud has changed and evolved over time. Read on to learn more about how the cloud has changed over time. Before the Cloud Before the cloud, people used enterprise data centers. People used these facilities to support their data processing and storage needs. Not only did enterprise data centers house physical computer equipment like servers, network systems, and storage devices, but they also supported computer infrastructure like power, cooling, and environmental monitoring systems. Time-Sharing John McCarthy developed the concept of time-sharing and got it out into the world in 1962. McCarthy’s development of time-sharing systems was the early version of what we call cloud computing today. This important development made it so that people and organizations no longer had to buy their own computer systems. They could now share time on a common computing infrastructure. Interconnected...
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Protect Your Cloud with acentauri digital’s Cloud Security Advisory

It is important to keep your online data secure. Especially when you are using a cloud, the security of your cloud is likely to be one of your primary concerns. With acentauri digital’s Cloud Security Advisory, you can rest assured your cloud is secure. Read on to find out more about our Cloud Security Advisory.  Assessment - Cloud Security Maturity       An important part of a secure cloud is an assessment. Here at acentauri digital, we regularly assess the current plan of your cloud security to see how we can best improve it and increase the overall security of the cloud. We measure your Cloud Security Maturity to better evaluate the security of your current cloud and establish goals for improvement to make it more secure.  Build a Roadmap     Once we have a better understanding as to where you are on...
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Plan Your Digital Journey with acentauri: The Importance of Developing a SAP Cloud Solutions Road Map For Your Organization

The best organizations think strategically. Have you brought strategy into the use of your cloud, or is it just being used randomly? Check out the following reasons on the importance of developing a SAP cloud solutions road map for your organization.  Methodology A SAP cloud solutions road map contains methodology that can guide you in your use of the cloud. This covers the most important parts of implementing the use of a cloud. The six methodologies of SAP road maps include discover, prepare, explore, realize, deploy, and run. By having a set road map, your organization can develop a system for using the cloud that aligns all users of the cloud and ensures you are maximizing the cloud’s potential.  Outline Implementation Phases While the SAP cloud solutions roadmap sets you up for success in the beginning phases of structuring your...
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Why You Should Outsource Your Mobile App Development

There’s an app for that! In 2023, it seems like there is an app for nearly everything. Is your organization keeping up with today’s advanced technological world by joining the app game? While mobile apps can be a great way to improve the consumer experience, mobile app development can be a long, time-consuming, and expensive process. Read on to learn why your organization should outsource your mobile app development. Minimize Costs Many organizations are concerned about costs. Why wouldn’t you be? Minimizing costs can lead you to maximizing your profit. Outsourcing mobile app development can actually minimize the costs of the process. If you handle the process yourself, you need to hire developers, designers, project managers, and the infrastructure and tools to get to the final product. By outsourcing the process, you can reduce costs by going with an external...
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Modernize Your Cloud (And More) With acentauri

Is your cloud doing everything it can for you? With all of the capabilities of modern technology today, the cloud has the ability to completely transform your business productivity and outcomes. Is your cloud modernized to maximize impact? Read on to learn more about how acentauri digital can help you modernize your cloud and improve your organization.   Modernize Your Apps     Not all apps were designed to run on clouds efficiently and effectively. In order to modernize your cloud, you’ll want to modernize your apps. By modernizing the infrastructure, internal architecture, and features of your apps you can set them up to run more efficiently with your cloud. Infrastructure as Code  By taking a look at infrastructure as code, you can set up your infrastructure in a way that helps you modernize your cloud. Infrastructure that is built with infrastructure as...
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Develop Your Company’s Cloud Strategy with Acentauri

Does your company use the cloud to access your data conveniently and securely? What does your company’s cloud strategy look like? If you aren’t using the cloud or you’ve never put any thought into your company’s cloud strategy, consider developing your cloud strategy with acentauri digital to maximize your organization’s potential.  Assess Your Current Cloud A great first step towards developing your cloud strategy is assessing your current cloud. In order to create a strategy to make something better, we have to first understand where it is starting. In the initial stages of assessing your current cloud, you will want to evaluate people, process, and even technology. Are all of these doing the job? Do you need more manpower? These are important things to note in this assessment phase.  Decide on a Desired State The next step is to decide...
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What is a Managed Service Provider (MSP) and Why Your Company Needs One

Are your competitors using a Managed Service Provider (MSP)? Are you wondering what a Managed Service Provider is and if your company could benefit from one? Managed Service Providers can take stress off of your business and increase your overall productivity and cost efficiency. Read on to learn more about Managed Service Providers and why your company needs one. What is a Managed Service Provider? A Managed Service Provider is a third-party company that organizations hire to remotely manage a business’s  information technology (IT) infrastructure and end-user systems. Managed Service Providers are in charge of defined day-to-day IT services. This can vary by the organization’s needs, but different services offered may include managing the organization’s network and infrastructure, security, and monitoring. Managed Service Providers can manage the IT infrastructure, offer technical support to staff, help with cybersecurity, manage user access...
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Best Practices for Managing Your Business’s Cloud Environment

Clouds are a great way to streamline communication and increase efficiency of any organization. Have you ever felt like your cloud is a big black hole and it is not as organized, secure, streamlined, or as cost-effective as it could be? Read on to learn some best practices for managing your business’s cloud environment.  Create a Migration Strategy     If your organization is getting a cloud service for the first time, you will want to be sure to create a migration strategy. You should plan out which applications and work should be moved to the cloud first. The migration of all of an organization’s information to a cloud can be a lengthy process, but creating a migration strategy will allow you to increase efficiency and get right back to work as soon as possible.  Network security    When your business has a...
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Which Cloud Technology Platform is Right for Your Business?

Cloud technology can transform any organization’s operations and efficiency.
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Optimizing Your Business: We’ll Tell You How!

The days of logging onto a certain computer to access your previous work or carrying around, and keeping track of, a flash drive are in the past! With acentauri digital, optimize your business with top-of-the-line, secure cloud providers. Using our cloud services will increase the effectiveness of your employees and streamline major communications, all in a safe and secure way.   Cloud Technology   Acentauri digital offers various cloud options depending on the needs of your business. By using the cloud, your work can all be stored in one place and is easily shared amongst clients and coworkers alike. Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and Hybrid Cloud are all options we provide to our clients. These can be customized to fit your company's individual wants and needs all with an easy transition process from your current storage solution to...
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